Executive Director ● Pastor Marcus Johnson
Marcus & his wife Gwen have lived in Round Lake Beach since 2002, and greatly enjoy the diversity of the Round Lake community and the blessing it's been to have raised their kids here. Marcus is a graduate of Prophetstown High School (IL), Wheaton College and Wheaton Graduate School (IL). During high school, he was a member of the Student Council (elected president his senior year), the National Honor Society, the football team (elected co-captain his senior year), and a student leader in his town's community youth group. He coached AYSO soccer for young kids here in Round Lake for one year, and coordinated a soccer camp for serveral years here at The Bridge. He has actively worked with middle school, high school, & college age students since 1996. Marcus is a full-time pastor & serves as our Executive Director, overseeing the leadership, administration, fund-raising and networking for The Bridge. He is also the Executive Officer for the *Round Lake Area Scouts who, like The Bridge, are also sponsored by Lake Region Bible Church (*Pack 99, Troop 275, Troop 2019 & Crew 1170). Marcus is honored to serve with the youth, young adults and families who are part of the Scouts & The Bridge, as we work together to enrich the lives of youth & families in the Round Lake Community.
Marcus & his wife Gwen have lived in Round Lake Beach since 2002, and greatly enjoy the diversity of the Round Lake community and the blessing it's been to have raised their kids here. Marcus is a graduate of Prophetstown High School (IL), Wheaton College and Wheaton Graduate School (IL). During high school, he was a member of the Student Council (elected president his senior year), the National Honor Society, the football team (elected co-captain his senior year), and a student leader in his town's community youth group. He coached AYSO soccer for young kids here in Round Lake for one year, and coordinated a soccer camp for serveral years here at The Bridge. He has actively worked with middle school, high school, & college age students since 1996. Marcus is a full-time pastor & serves as our Executive Director, overseeing the leadership, administration, fund-raising and networking for The Bridge. He is also the Executive Officer for the *Round Lake Area Scouts who, like The Bridge, are also sponsored by Lake Region Bible Church (*Pack 99, Troop 275, Troop 2019 & Crew 1170). Marcus is honored to serve with the youth, young adults and families who are part of the Scouts & The Bridge, as we work together to enrich the lives of youth & families in the Round Lake Community.